◘ This Blog was created for people to realize how Be@utiful Bogota City is!! We want people all around the world to change their view of Colombia specially of Bogota.By reading this blog you'll learn how to ROCK this city!! ♫♪

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010



This is the new library it is called  JULIO MARIO  SANTO DOMINGO and like you have probably seen it from outside in your car..IS A VERY BIG LIBRARY!! The first you see are the many many steps you have to pass to get to the entry but thats alright when you enter and see everything clean and well organized ready to be steped and used by Bogota Citezens.

You will first have to stop in a special place were you would have to leave your bag,briefcase or purse, you will be given a littlecard with the number of your locker with your belongings at the moment you will leave the library;They make this for proteccion of their books...Cause all the beautiful things their in Bogota is From us To Us and if we take something it will be as is we were stoling our selfs.

As this library is brand new ,many things are missing Like the lack of Books thanks to the big spaces that were constructed for the million books that can fit.Also their's a computer zone full of new technology computers where you can see movies,play or look for information on internet.

Theres also 3 or more theaters,I havent enter but they seem very big and elegant,Theres always presentations and thet sell hundreds of tickets for them,

*So if you Like the theater or just to read good books VISIT JULIO MARIO SANTODOMINGO'S LIBRARY!! Its located by all the 170 St. Next to Lincoln's School.


How you can see in the pictures This is the "Bibloteca Publica Virgilio Barco",You have maybe went to this gigant Library and remember all those Green zones full of magic and flowers,Also the waterfalls located in diffrent parts of the outer side of this library.

 How you may now this library is very close to
amazing places on Bogota City Like: "El parque Simon Bolivar" "El museo de los Niños","El parque Salitre Magico" and "El centro de Deportes". 

To get here from north to south you can take the 68 Street or also the NQS.

This library is full of rooms with diffrent purposes like: Reading,Computers,Talking,
Buissnes,conferences and many more things.

After a good reading time you can go out and visit it surroundings and eat a Delicious dessert or buy a Cotton Cone you may sure find in these streets.

                                                        * DONT MISS IT!! SO PUT SOME 
                                                    CONFORTABLE SHOES ON,TAKE YOUR FAMILY AND PREPARE FOR A GOOD READING TIME.

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