◘ This Blog was created for people to realize how Be@utiful Bogota City is!! We want people all around the world to change their view of Colombia specially of Bogota.By reading this blog you'll learn how to ROCK this city!! ♫♪

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

• Museums •

Museo del oro
 walking into downtown bogota my eperience was really god beacuse walking i learned a lot about bogota an its amazing how do you realize that those walls and those streets were essential parts of our history  like in a explample the museo del oro this museum represent the recolection of important pieces made by our living etnies pieces that mark an certain moment of time in wich the spanish ( 1810) came and began the trading but especially maked the pass through indians and not cultured people into smart religious and civilizated people ruled by the spanish crown.
my experience in the musuem was great because i was amazed about how this ancient people who got nothing could actually formed that gold into this amazing pieces that now days are difficult to do and with tecnology , i really loved that museum it really represent the beauty of our people and shows the importance of them in our history . also i learned a lot of things i didn't know and i really understand the idea of preserving of our history,
in this video you can see some  ways the used the gold how they formed and i really like takingthis video it was great how the accepted me and all the people to take pictures and ask about what they are preserving and wath they have in this beautiful museum.
in this muesum my experience was much better because here i learned all about the florero de llorente and how everything started like there i saw the spuelas of santarder and the accesories of his horse some gold stuff stealed by them and i found the only piece of the florero de llorente i was great i get a little emotional about this because for me this represent the beauty of the  independance the importance of showing how everything
 happened here i found documents clothing and el acta de la inedependencia (:
i also found santander's sword i was amazing !!

Plaza de Bolivar

in this amazing place we can find history ,we can feel part of history we can find great pople churches and m y experience there was really cool because i've never been  in there and being over there by the firts time was amazing by thinking those thigs are thigs that have been there by years that remember us the speciality of being in this great place BOGOTA!  also i think the experience of being there and watch all that things is really amazing is emotive  how yu can find good things on just an old place (:

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