◘ This Blog was created for people to realize how Be@utiful Bogota City is!! We want people all around the world to change their view of Colombia specially of Bogota.By reading this blog you'll learn how to ROCK this city!! ♫♪

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010


Lets start with Suba Location,This location is one of the most known and popular locations of Bogota and we can distinguished of others thanks to its nice and friendly  people also cause it's characterized by being a buissnes zone full of all types of shops were can you can find everything you need, starting from food till Furniture or even Coth.

To get to this beautifull location you can take diferent streets like  "La Avenida cuidad de Cali"or
maybe "La Avenida Suba" or also "La 170".

In this location you can find many important places starting from "La plaza de suba" wich is the center of this neighborhood ,right next you will find a Gigant church full of colors were people used to go when                                                   the sound of the bells announce a new cult.
Also you can find "El centro de integracion Social"."La casa de la Cultura","La alcaldia Local" and many more places.

Some kilometers away from the square of Suba you can find a very magic place that is called "Colegio Veintun Angeles",
this is a School that was constructed in honor of 21 Children that after a Traffic accident were sent to a better place.

Something interesting about this place is that when you approach  you can feel a special energy of happines that despite the sad accident made Hundreads of Suba children happy for having a place   were to study and have a good time                                                                                         in honor of Some angels.



You must know very well this place!!

Maybe you live here or just every Weekend you hand with your friends through this beautful location..

You must now it like the plam of your hand,Going from the 170 through the south by all the Boyaca Street stoping by "Puerto Alegre" You would find million of things to do over here,,,You can find many Bar's,Places to drink and were to dance,Also many delicious restaurants Like "Mc Donald's·,. "Churros Ricos",·Frisby" etc.. 

Going more to the south you would find one of my Favorite places "EL PARQUE DE USAQUEN" Is a park were you wont get borry a Saturday or a Sunbday.On sunday's will be a place full of magic were you would find many  juggling men playing with the birds throwing small balls very very high on the sky,Also you would see show clowns and the best thing ever!...STORYTELLERS!! This are people that have a fantastic place in their heads to invent and creat the stoies and histories more magic and funny ive ever heard. 



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