◘ This Blog was created for people to realize how Be@utiful Bogota City is!! We want people all around the world to change their view of Colombia specially of Bogota.By reading this blog you'll learn how to ROCK this city!! ♫♪

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

♫ Monuments ♪

  Jorge E. Gaitan

What people say about this important character?Wow!is amazing this character cause many impact to the Bogotan people first the most important they say that he has a Colombian lawyer and politician that was the mayor of Bogota.He also was realesed to become the president for Colombia but unfortunaetly he was murdered.

This Murder cause many impacts and  wilings in Bogota and all the contry.people in streets told  many things, that if Jorge E. Gaitan had become president this contry would by different. for all the people he was an hero and they consider he was the justice man.

People do this monument for show other people that Gaitan never surrender with any problem so visit this monument a see what wonderfull it can be .

Cristobal Colon

  This monument is important,because is the monument of Cristobal Colon the one who discovered America people here in Bogota talk about he and says that he was a navigator, cartographer, Admiral, Viceroy ang Governor general for India .this monument is in front of the monument of the Queen.

This is one of the many monuments in Bogota and is so important not only for Colombia but for all America this monuments is near the aeroport of bogota and is so visit by turist and also people of this contry because they want to know more about the history.

So visit this monument to get knowladge about this contry and you are going to have a wonderful experience seen this monument and other that are in Bogota.


Luis Carlos Galan

Finally this monument of a candidate of the presidency Luis Carlos Galan is important for the people in Bogota, Colombia some people describe him like that he was a Colombia lawyer and politician, he also do great thing for the people.

This monument is locate in salitr near the mall Salitre Plaza,so many people of Salitre can se what wonderful is this monument unfortunately he was murder.Whatever he always going to be remembered for Colombian people also there are a monument in Barranquilla.

For finishing i recomend you to visit all the monuments of Bogota to view the diversity of statues and monuments in Bogota so don't waste timeand come to Bogota and have a great time.

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